Enquiry & Booking
2169 4848
Enquiry & Booking
2169 4848
Enquiry & Booking
2169 4848

Aqua Pure hot and cold infusion repair treatment

  • Effects



  • Even skin tone
  • Help soothe and moisturize skin
  • Firm skin

Aqua Pure hot and cold infusion repair treatment



This one-stop multi-functional moisturizing and water-injection treatment uses 3 treatment methods to effectively enhance the skin's moisturizing power, tightening and relieving skin stress.


本頁圖片/檔案 - AQUA PURE 清潔 保濕

11 Selena Chan_s
Selena Chan

真心推薦銅鑼灣分店的 Hillary Chan,治療師真心親切有禮很細心,好詳盡講解我的皮膚狀況, 應該要注意日後保養護膚嘅事宣。另外, 都想讚一讚在銅鑼灣分店嘅各職員,很有禮貌和對客人有細心,服務態度有非常之親切有禮。一定會推薦這間分店給朋友。❤

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Aqua Pure hot and cold infusion repair treatment
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